Motion Design for Positive Change

People really do make the animation industry what it is. Working with great people is my favourite thing about working in the animation industry. People who build positive, supportive companies.

If a motion design or animation agency does the following 3 key things, you know they’re a good bunch:

01 Remembering companies are built by people, for people

In practice this can manifest in a number of different ways from understanding staff might need time off when sick, might need to leave early if there's been a family crisis, or simply recognise that staff working overtime every day for months on end isn't sustainable!

When I worked at Dead Ready, there was one moment when I had to leave the office almost immediately to deal with a family crisis. The directors couldn’t have been more supportive. This makes a huge difference to me personally, but also meant I was more motivated to go the extra mile for the company.

02 Focus on the planet (not short-term profit)

Agencies that strive to minimise or eliminate their impact on the environment get a huge tick in my book.

I’m optimistic that eventually this will become standard practice, but I see design and animation agencies jumping on board, long before the government push them.

By using products and services from other companies that care for the environment, by offering remote working, cycle-to-work schemes and similar, agencies really show their green credentials.

03 Focus on the community

There are several things agencies can do to “give back” to the community. From bringing people on for work experience, to offering training and internships, to giving talks at local schools.

Anything I’ve missed? Get in touch!


Marketing to Drive Changes of Behaviour


Motion Graphics for Live Events